[rekonq] Urlbar improvements

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Tue Apr 13 15:11:13 CEST 2010

> The "problem" is that I had to change some behavior, in example the first
> item selection on popup. This to let rekonq use KUriFilter to resolve a
> typed url WITHOUT suggestions. That is the problem here.

I am not sure I understand what you want to do.

If the first item is not selected, rekonq can't explain to the user what is 
done when he press enter.

For instance, he can't understand why "http://www.kde-apps.org"  is launched 
when he types "kde-apps" and why it processes a google search if he types 

It should always propose at least one suggestion. KUriFilter can help to build 
this suggestion or perhaps not, I didn't study this point. If it is too slow 
for process that, why we should keep it ?

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