[rekonq] Homepage style

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 09:41:09 CEST 2009

On Thursday 24 September 2009 09:03:46 Lionel Chauvin wrote:
> I really like these homepages.
> I would like criticize if you wish.
> About nferenc's homepage: grey is darker than the oxygen's standard grey.
> About homepage layout:
> - it is not adapted for small screens.
> - space between previews is fixed and too large.
> - the header is useless and take space. We don't need ads like google ^^
> - search engine is useless (like it is currently).
> - it is difficult to find recent pages: previews for them would make this
>  task easier. - pages closed with a previous execution of rekonq are not
>  shown in 'Recently closed pages'.

I imported nferenc style because it seemed obviously better than my first 
tentative... About that, from now on I'll wait some patches from (all) you.

About homepage layout. The only thing I REALLY like about it is the ~70% of 
space for previews + some blocks of additional informations: simple and clear.

My idea about that is that we'll arrive to configure:
A) what sites you'd like to preview (last 9 visited sites, your 9 preferred 
sites, ...??)
B) What blocks (2-3 max) you'd like to have (Google search, recent history, 
bookmarks, recently closed tabs, ....??)

Does this idea fit with yours?
Andrea Diamantini, adjam
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