[rekonq] Re : [RFC] THE ROAD TO REKONQ 0.2

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Mon Jul 27 14:57:14 CEST 2009

> rekonq 0.1.11 contains authors name updated. Please take a look at it and
> feel free to ask about changing something

It's ok for me :)

> Open remaining questions (for me) are:
> - private browsing color (I can work at this if someone is not interested
> in..)

I can do that I think.

> - error pages: display the correct error pages on timeout loading

I don't know how to do that.

> - decide if remove or not KDEnetwork support (and use
> QNetworkAccessManager) if KDE version is minor than 4.2.70

I do not have the knowledge to do that.

> - the packaging / licensing issue described in
> (http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/rekonq/2009-July/000118.html)

I thought KDE was in GPLv3. We must ask. I do not have the knowledge.

> - a better implementation of Webview::contextMenuEvent to not loose mind
> behind if conditions ;)

switch/case ?

> - If Lionel is interested in, I have some ideas about the translation
> action. otherwise we'll implement it for rekonq 0.3

I have also ideas, for example use Sonnet to detect the language of the selected text and propose the translation in different languages.
I think it must be postponed.

What the user needs is: 
	1) automatically restore the tabs of the previous execution.
	2) rss feeds as bookmarks.

Without that, Rekonq will never be used.

2) is a KDE related problem, so we must discuss with the other teams before begin something.

1) depends on  "One process per tab" implementation (I suppose).

I think we must focus on that for 0.3.

Before tag 0.2 we must:
- fix favicons !!!
- integrate webshortcut config panel
- list all webshortcuts in the context menu when a text is selected.
- add clear private data somewhere in the menubar (equilibrate menubar/tools menu).
- private browsing color
- inpector web color

For 0.3 +
- one  process per tab
	- automatically restore the tabs of the previous execution
         	- mouse over link notification
                  - remove kpassivepopups

- floating contextual actions (if possible).
- add "switch language" in the config panel
- rekonq manual
     	- hide menu by default

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