[rekonq] Comments on IRC Chat 2009-04-18

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 16:34:01 CEST 2009

On Sunday 19 April 2009 15:17:21 Paweł Prażak wrote:
> > So here are a few of my thoughts to kick things off, in no particular
> > order:
> > - don't put out a new release until the browser becomes more stable.
> > There are a lot of bugs, crashes, and even some dangerous behavior
> > right now (eg http://code.google.com/p/rekonq/issues/detail?id=25).
> > The last thing you want is to give people a bad impresssion early on,
> > because you'll lose many of those people forever.  I still think of
> > Nautilus as crap even though I haven't used it for many years  :-)
> Hmm, on the other hand adjam have already released 0.0.4 and it's even in
> suse repo, so we are already making bad impression.

If this is your opinion, why didn't you start a new project on your own, 
instead of starting contributing here after 0.0.4 release?
It's really strange some people behaviour, joining a new project with lot of 
ideas and wishing starting making decisions, opening "official" ml and issue 
tracker WITHOUT previous members and project lead approval.
For me, Google issue tracker has to be closed. Now I'm really convinced about.
Please close it now or remove rekonq name from it. 

> Third solution would be to release 0.0.5 as a developer preview/pre-alpha
> quality and than make a good roadmap and start working on 0.1.
> I'm not convinced to this but I wanted to share it with you ;)

Andrea Diamantini
MAIL: adjam7_AT_gmail_DOT_com
WEB: http://www.adjam.org
IRC: adjam_AT_freenode
PGP/GPG : 91A712C1
Fingerprint: 571E DFF4 19EF A597 2CCD A811 6CB6 3538 91A7 12C1

tadarattadara tattà tatatatatà tadarattadara tattà tattattattattà..
(me, taking a shower...)

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