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Fri Apr 17 10:51:14 CEST 2009

porting would actually be rewriting. And don't say this is bad thing, I=
 just say this would require a complete rewrite from ground up.<br><br>On t=
he other hand it would be benefit for us and for the community. Generalizat=
ion (of code) is always better and you can&#39;t do any better to &quot;not=
 repeat yourself&quot; than to use library shared with whole KDE community.=

<br>This would solve some of our problems:<br>- we won&#39;t have to refact=
or anything, because we would be rewriting it anyway<br>- we would get bett=
er modularity<br>- we would implement plugin framework as a &quot;side effe=

- even better integration with KDE<br><br>This is not easy task but, sounds=
 like fun :)<br><br>I&#39;ve already checked out the code from svn, and beg=
un to hack ;)<br><br>Regards<br>


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