No subject
Fri Apr 17 10:51:14 CEST 2009
to kget or to every other download manager supporting KDE technologies.<br>
It's fast, simple and safe. So (again), what's better?</blockquote>=
<div>=C2=A0</div><div>IMHO always the best solution is to follow the conven=
tion ("Convention over configuration" principle) and established =
convention is to "handle download" (that's what user cares of=
- "I want to download it and I don't care how it is implemented&q=
<div>Most browsers ask user what to do with the download (open/save as...),=
and then opens stuff for them (if they wanted).</div><div>And this is grea=
t because I can install application (openSUSE 1-click feature) just by clic=
king on the link (this is something that firefox can't do because it do=
esn't integrate with the environment) and this is something that downlo=
ad manager provides.</div>
<div><br></div><div>So rekonq have to have some sort of downloads manager.=
=C2=A0</div><div>To stay lightweight we can make simple icon/button in (for=
e.g lower-right corner) witch would appear only when there are downloads (=
completed or active) along with number of downloads (active/completed).</di=
<div>If clicked it can show thin downloads bar on the bottom (sort of like =
firefox plugin), but I'm not entirely convinced with this idea since we=
want to integrate with KDE notifications system.</div><div>Alternatively w=
e can try to call KDE notification by DBus to show itself.</div>
<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>And to add something form myself, we nee=
d to write a lots of unit tests, to test automatically at least 50% of the =
code. And to add regression tests (especially for issues, to have a rule: &=
quot;new bug fix committed =3D new regression test committed", this wo=
uld be off course ideal situation but if we'll follow this mostly it wi=
ll make our lives easier). I've started to add tests for things I work =
with, but we would benefit from more unit tests to have sort of "safet=
y net" while doing changes. It's part of so called "defensive=
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