[Qtscript-bindings] remote debugging

Kent Hansen khansen at trolltech.com
Mon Jun 29 10:56:18 CEST 2009

Hi Peter,

Peter Kümmel wrote:
> Thanks for the hint!
> looking at the code I see, you use the name 'QScriptEngineDebugger' twice, for local and the
> and remote debugging?
> Is this because your intention is to merge the two classes and to ship with Qt in future?

No, the new class is called QScriptDebuggerEngine :-) That's the thing
that sits in the same process as the script engine and talks to the
remote debugger (QScriptRemoteTargetDebugger).

> To support multiple protocols is an nice idea! Ideally there is only one QScriptEngineDebugger
> with supports both types of debugging.

Yes, it's possible to abstract the APIs further, if there's really a
need for that. Still, the APIs are already so similar that there isn't
much you need to change if you want to switch from local to remote
debugging or vice versa.

> And in case of remote debugging it would be nice to have a plugin interface where one can add
> his special protocol.

Yup. Presumably a plugin interface will materialize after doing, say,
the GDB and XDebug integration. It's mostly about exposing some internal
classes (QScriptDebugger{Backend,Frontend}).


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