Friday meeting

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Fri Sep 10 16:01:50 BST 2021

- Plasma 5.23 will soon be released!
    - Are we ready for ModemManager?
    - Any blockers? We can go through the issues, try to prioritise
things to work on, focus on stability and reliability.
        - TODO Aleix Auto-Rotation doesn't work sometimes
        - Sometimes we need more than one button press to wake up
            Someone should investigate a bit
        - TODO Aleix No notification when app crashes
    - Promo, we should probably collect relevant features and fixes somewhere.
        - TODO Aleix invite them for next week

- plasma-phonebook and KPeople
    - TODO Nico creates tickets with features he needs in KPeople

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 2:49 AM Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
> Dear PlaMors,
> Our next meeting will be today Friday 10th at 2pm UTC at
> Things to discuss today:
> - Plasma 5.23 will soon be released!
>     - Promo, we should probably collect relevant features and fixes somewhere.
>     - Are we ready for ModemManager?
>     - Any blockers? We can go through the issues, try to prioritise
> things to work on, focus on stability and reliability.
> And of course, whatever you might want to discuss as well.
> Talk to you soon!
> Aleix

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