Gitlab and plasma dev

Harald Sitter sitter at
Mon May 18 15:46:57 BST 2020

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 3:48 PM Nate Graham <nate at> wrote:
> Personally I would prefer it if we don't automatically send everything
> to the mailing list. That way people can subscribe to only what they
> really care about using the web UI, which is very simple and
> straightforward--and then the mailing list can just be used for
> discussions and announcements. That would help the signal-to-noise ratio
> stay high for the mailing list.


in fact, I would make a seperate list and then send all auto generated
mail (catch-all gitlab mails, unassigned bugs, ci mail, what have you)
there. have all devs subscribe to that and setup mail filters on that
list so this list, plasma-devel, can be for humans talking with other
from personal experience nothing is more annoying than subscribing to
a list of a project you are only loosely associated with to discuss
something and then getting drowned for a week by 7 different kinds of
services also sending crap to the list. it makes for a garbage
experience for new contributors as well as up/down/sidestreams that
want to get in touch or follow discussion.


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