Guarding against use of Plasma with qt5ct

Filip Fila filipfila.kde at
Wed Jan 22 20:02:04 GMT 2020


Every once in a while I run into users who have inexplicably broken


What ends up being the cause is qt5ct and the fact that it themes Plasma
instead of us.

This probably only happens when users have GTK DE installs and then decide
to install Plasma alongside it.

I'm not sure of the extent of GTK distros that use qt5ct, but for example I
know that Manjaro GNOME uses qt5ct + kvantum to theme Qt applications.

Given that that the broken theming gives a bad first impression and that
it's not obvious to the user how to fix it, does anyone have any ideas on
how to address this?

Some ideas could be adding an inline message in the Application Style kcm
when qt5ct is detected or just simply unsetting the qt5ct env variable on

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