Feature requests re: 5.18 changes

Derek Stevens drkste at zoho.com
Mon Feb 24 15:39:18 GMT 2020

Hey Plasma fellows, I recently upgraded to 5.18 and had a couple simple feature requests I wanted to put out there.

First, I liked the old notification style with the linear countdown meter; I don't know what about the new style rubs
me the wrong way, but I think it would be neat to have a toggle in notification settings to switch between countdown
meter styles.

Similarly, I noticed Breeze added a border to the scrollbar in 5.18. In my opinion, this makes the interface look more
bulky and bubbly, and especially on my Konsole windows bugs me something fierce. I think it would make sense to
add a Breeze scrollbar option for trough borders instead of forcing it on users.

If it's not on anybody's radar, I'd be glad to poke around the source and try these changes myself, but I hope
somebody who's already familiar with the source and the nitty-gritty of the changes between 5.17 and 5.18 has my

Overall, loving Plasma since I've been using it for the past 3-4 months (after a wholly different experience for years on openbox and xfce); great job everybody!


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