monday meeting notes for 24/2/2020

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Feb 24 11:48:01 GMT 2020

David R
* I investigated wy sometimes icon were not colored correctly when
plasma theme and color scheme were different
    Diff 27589 "Try to apply the colorscheme of the current theme to
QIcons" [Accepted]
* Maybe needs some implementation critique since it creates the
palette and colorscheme at evrey function call there but I don't know
how often it is called

David E
Things I've done:
- fixed some bugs. touchpad config window,  found a qt bug that
crashed plastik  (which is worked around and reported with a minimal
test case upstream), fixed a kns crash, hopefully fixed an apply being
always disabled on the nighmode kcm and a few other fixes.
- Important things to discuss:
  A security issue came up (again) this week about html tags being
crafted into data that we show in labels.
  Resolved by setting the textFormat explicitly. I think we need to
start watching that in reviews.
  And setting it more often
- Other thing to discuss, the high priority bugs
- We decided last meeting to make use of the prioity field and go
through them, maybe even assign them and come up with some acion plans
in the meeting
- I hope everyone now has:
 saved in their bookmarks, or bugzilla footer
- I do want us to all be proactive on reading and setting these.  The
goal isn't really for some other person to tell us what we should be
doing, as that isn't really going to work

- Started re-writing dialer using the API from telephony-service from
ubports people
- Testing out systemd branch from d_ed later today
- Fix for breeze-icons installation
* Diff 27614 "build: fix the build where install prefix is not
user-writable" [Accepted]

Kai Uwe
* Ported Itinerary UI to EJS templates to make code more maintainable
and prettier
    * Did a tonne of testing and fixes in KItinerary for various websites
* Blogged about it:
* No response to my XDG notification quick reply proposal in three weeks..
    * Pinged them again. Spec isn't even on FDO GitLab, otherwise I
would have just done a pull request to change it
* Was investigating supposed breakage in Chrome after my FileManager1
patch, but can't reproduce issue
* Worked with d_ed on systemd user services for session login
* Booked hotel for the Plasma sprint
    * See more infos on ml:
    * Make sure to put your dates in the wiki by the end of next week
so I can adjust the hotel booking before they finalize it

* I did a fix for a kirigami crash (
    Diff 27505 "Do not crash when icon's width or height is 0"
* which lead me to investigate writing an autotest for icon
and then I found out the kirigami autotests haven't been run for a
long time due to some cmake issues
*I've just thing morning landed the patch to fix it
  Diff 27521 "Various fixes to make autotests run and pass" [Closed]
* but of course now things break on actual CI :D
* I need to poke sysadmin about that, for some reason things are
complaining about ASAN even though the "force inject ASAN" flag is set
for kirigami
* I also want to look a bit at adding some extra autotests for kirigami

* Polished up the KAccounts KCM - more to be done, but it now
functions reasonably well. (merged,
but if there are further comments, do make them there)
* Also have discovered knewstuff never knew how to properly update
installed entries without help... which is /not/ great, so spent
Friday (and Thursday night, in my sleep, aparently) hammering at that.
Please review:
   Diff 27544 "Fix update scenarios with no explicit downloadlink
selected" [Needs Review]
 Also, new shiny is happening on the kaccounts
integration! Had a patch merged into signon-plugin-oauth2 which adds
the OpenID token to the parsed and stored data, so we now have the
required for to progress, which is
pretty neat :)
    Diff 25961 "[WIP] Switch the Attica KDE plugin to use KAccounts"
[Needs Review]

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