Kickoff menu with empty history tab

Thomas Nemeth tnemeth at
Sun Apr 19 13:32:08 BST 2020

    Thank you David.

    I'm sorry for my late reply : I only noticed that I sent my mail to
    a mailing list after seeing the notification telling me a moderator
    had to approve my post.

    After a few research, I found out that kactivitymanagerd is
    (hopefully) correctly started with my session.

$ ps aux | grep activityman
thomas      6031  0.0  0.1 553320 36956 ?        Sl   10:56   0:01 /usr/

    However, I found where to configure history in the System Settings
    application and discovered that the "Remember opened documents"
    radio-button in the "Privacy" tab was set to "do not remember".

    I have certainly been mislead by the word "documents".

    Sorry for the bother.


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