D17216: Move the about page from Discover to Kirigami

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Nov 29 12:10:38 GMT 2018

leinir added inline comments.


> apol wrote in AboutPage.qml:102
> I do agree it can read a bit weird.
> It's generally done on public emails though, I'm not sure why it's bad.
> If we feel better about it, I can drop it and we port it to something else we're happy with some day.

It seems to me that this is not really a privacy issue - it's the developer emails being leaked here, and those are made all manner of public already. If it were the end user's gravatar we fetched like this, yeah, maybe not the best thing, but i think it's ok for this particular purpose.

> broulik wrote in settings.h:66
> Add some docs, also `information` isn't very descriptive name, also `@since`

i've been trying to come up with a better name than the very generic "information" one, and... well, i've got "versionInformation" and that doesn't really get much better... At the same time, maybe teamed up with the comment below regarding returning a string list rather than a formatted string, perhaps if that is done, then calling it "runtimeVersions" or something to that effect might make sense.

Usually i'd go with "if it's difficult to name, you probably did something wrong", but the "something wrong" in this case is that none of the version information is available from within QML, which... well, seems slightly outside the scope of this patch ;)

  R169 Kirigami



To: apol, #kirigami, mart, broulik
Cc: leinir, nicolasfella, plasma-devel, dkardarakos, apol, davidedmundson, mart, hein
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