Notes from Sprint - Convergence / input

David Edmundson david at
Thu May 3 13:29:36 UTC 2018



Roman asked about adding touch to our existing QWidget apps.
General consensus is that they'll never be as perfect as considering it
from the start (aka our kirigami apps) but it's worth doing where it's
sensible and easy.

possible for Dolphin etc for enabling basic support (flick to scroll, pinch
to zoom, etc)

Saw progress by Nomad team in regards to QML based alternatives. We should
try to integrate their work as defaults on Plasma mobile / tablet mode?



Marco demoed 4 concepts:
 - the whole shell changing (existing ShellManager code)

 - having containments linked to a form factor  (branch tabletMode)
i.e one panel for desktop, a different one for when keyboard is folded.

Discussion being that you might want auto hide on one and not the other.
(at which point we're mixing concepts of view and containment)

 - demo of having a single applet switch out and replace (kicker becomes
the dash)

 - minor tweaks within applets (i.e /behavioural changes at a component


The last point we're all in unision on and needs to happen regardless of
the others.

The rest are a trade-off between giving the user the changes they want, and
not just throwing away all their existing settings. A complex problem,
especially to present in the UI.

Containment switching was my preferred approach as it's easy to add a "only
show when keyboard is connected" option  and as I'm bothering to write the
notes, I'm going to say it was the preferred even though we didn't reach
any real consensus


Someone asked if we could use activities. Reply was that that's
conceptually different and you need the form factor * activity cardinality.

Someone asked if we could use scripting to toggle. Reply was that it's
complex as you have to save and maintain state to toggle back.



View that potential convergence there is somewhat different to the laptop
case. A laptop with a touch screen with the keyboard folded is still a
laptop most the time.

Then there was some viewing of other platforms and what they do.


Misc actions noted . We need to add a trigger in kwin to change the mode
change it signals manually.
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