D11071: [RFC] [Active Window Control] Allow global menu be left alligned with buttons on right

Radek HuĊĦek noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Mar 7 07:47:13 UTC 2018

Pitel added a comment.

  The patch definitely can wait until you finish the rework. A few thoughts that crossed my mind when reading proposed changes:
  - I really like the standalone basic items placed by drag and drop.
  - Is floating really floating or just another layer of occupying? E.g. thick panel and on bottom appmenu (on left) and buttons (on right) (floating because they are over window label -- or this option going away?): would the appmenu elide [1] or be drawn over the buttons? (Note: I'm not saying this should be a supported use-case, just playing with possible setups in my mind and the floating is really floating would be much easier to implement.)
  - To support my use-case #2 all items should have
    - show on: mouse out | mouse in | always (and possibly never show unless it is covered by other options, show on mouse out not available for buttons and appmenu)
    - checkbox to restrict mouse area used by "show on" option only to rect occupied by given item (for the in-parenthesis part of use-case #2)
  - Some predefined presents are a great idea -- do you intent to support saving current setup as a present?
  - All around the rework looks like a big improvement.
  The use-cases I am most interested in are:
  - One Liner with buttons on right
  - The previous one but with appmenu shown only on mouse-in and window text only on mouse-out (and preferably the mouse events should be restricted to area between icon and buttons -- i.e. if i click buttons window text is shown). This is better than One Liner setups for small screens.
  [1] I think this is an important feature, I tried implementing it in D11073 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D11073>. I must say I am surprised that there is no ElidingGridLayout or something -- the patch tries to emulate it, but without touching internal positioning code of the layout it will always be a hack... (Also why is the backend plugin private?)

  R884 Active Window Control Applet for Plasma


To: Pitel, #plasma, martinkostolny
Cc: plasma-devel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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