Discussion for Virtual Desktops and Activities future

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Fri Jul 13 17:07:07 BST 2018

>  Work "stack"         Home "stack"
> |------------|       |------------|
> |    VD 1    |       |    VD 3    |
> | Web browser|       | Web browser|
> |     IDE    |       |Music player|
> |------------|       |------------|
> |------------|       |------------|
> |    VD 2    |       |    VD 4    |
> |    Email   |       |Konversation|
> |    chat    |       |  Telegram  |
> |------------|       |------------|

This has the same problem David's proposal has - if you have 5
activities and 3 VD for each, you get a pager with 15 different VDs.

> With a user interface that explicitly supports and encourages this sort of
> thing (e.g. the ability to apply current activity-specific features such to
> multiple Virtual Desktops; "next" and "previous" keyboard shortcuts
> automatically bound to the top row of each column), it might be sufficient.

This is really hackish. Currently, we have people who tie activity
switching to 'restore last used VD for an activity' and people who
just want to remain on the same VD.


KDE, ivan.cukic at kde.org, http://cukic.co/
gpg key fingerprint: 292F 9B5C 5A1B 2A2F 9CF3  45DF C9C5 77AF 0A37 240A

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