Discussion for Virtual Desktops and Activities future

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Fri Jul 13 16:27:26 BST 2018

VDs to inform KWin, if they are not part of the current activity and
> therefore should not be switched to when switching through VDs. Also
> the pager must know which VDs not to display in the current activity.
> But as said this can be a porperty on the VDs and not on the Activity.
> >

I think kwin shouldn't filter them. Pager lists all, effects and shortcuts
cover all.

This is the crucial part that makes it merging.

Yes, its a behavioral change, but its also the key part of fixing the
currently complex and semi-duplicated ui.

> * The provider of the list of virtual desktops is ultimately
> kactivitymanagerd
> Why is KAMD the provider? I think KWin should be the provider of all
> VDs and KAMD then tells KWin which subset of VDs should be currently
> switchable (using the property above) depending on the activity KAMD
> has set.

I meant its the source kwin would use to manage the list of desktops.

Like kscreen manages outputs, but the WL_output iface still comes from kwin.

Kamd is the "kscreen" in this case.

To try and re-summarise:

The only difference between my twist and  Marco's proposal is that the
Kactivities::currentActivity doesn't have to change on every vd switch so
you can have n virtual desktops with the same activity information.
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