Raising windows on Wayland

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at kde.org
Tue Jul 3 17:02:31 BST 2018

Am 2018-07-03 14:45, schrieb Aleix Pol:
> Dear kwiners,
> Would it be possible to find a way to do so?
> I know we don't want windows to be positioning themselves willy-nilly
> on the window stack, but we certainly need to figure out his use-case.
> What would need to happen to do this?
> If you need to, I can compile a list of use-cases.

Hi Alex,

this really depends on the use case. Instead of allowing general raising 
I would prefer to make the workflows work correctly. E.g. if you want 
that the polkit authentication dialog is above discover we can make this 
work right now without needing to implement window raising.


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