LTS and Wayland

David Edmundson david at
Mon Jan 15 22:58:40 UTC 2018

Including wayland fixes to 5.12, for the lifespan of the LTS and having the
same technical policy is absolutely fine.

The problem is calling something LTS has strong implications both in terms
of expectations and marketing.

I don't want us to try jumping from "wayland is experimental" to boldly
claiming "wayland is ready for the LTS demographic" in a single release.
It's more that we've made big steps forwards and ready for 5.12's non-LTS

Plasma will crash on any use of a QtQuick1 combo box (which is iterally
everywhere) without my Qt patches which are not in any release. I get at
least two of those bug reports a day right now.
Regardless of the state of kwin, with my Plasmashell hat on, we can't put a
big "this is stable" badge on it. I'm not trying to be a dick or block your
work especially if the bigger faults lies with other components, but I
won't compromise on unintentionally misleading users.

I want to stick very clear from writing "our wayland support is LTS" on the

That could simply mean avoiding writing Wayland and LTS in the same

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