D10475: Make it possible to show the title despite having ctx actions

Henrik Fehlauer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Feb 14 10:00:37 UTC 2018

rkflx added a comment.

  Excuse the very naive question, but why is the title duplicated in the top bar in the first place? It looks very cluttered, unaligned, and jumps around depending on which buttons are in use.
  It seems the only situation a title on top would be useful is when the users scrolled down and thus hid the intro header, but that could be solved differently: Add a small non-scrolling header as soon as the real header got hidden when scrolling down, as found on many websites.
  I think it's pretty clear that there is too little space in the top bar for everything, so you have to dedicate a larger area to the controls anyway.
  Alternative idea: Feature current application name in window title only.
  (Note I'm only talking about the desktop version here.)

  R169 Kirigami


To: apol, #kirigami, mart, ngraham, abetts
Cc: rkflx, mart, ngraham, plasma-devel, apol, davidedmundson, hein
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