Missing mouse pointer in KWin on Wayland with Etnaviv

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at kde.org
Tue Oct 31 09:22:19 UTC 2017

Am 2017-10-31 02:56, schrieb Matthias Klumpp:
> Hello!
> For a phone we obviously don't need a mouse pointer, but at the moment
> I can only interact with the UI by clicking blindly, which is not
> ideal for testing. So, do you have an idea on what might be wrong
> here?

I have ideas...

First of all: the mouse cursor is only shown if a mouse is connected. I 
assume that you connected one ;-)

The more likely explanation is that etnaviv doesn't have a mouse cursor 
layer, which would make sense as it's a mobile chip set. KWin uses the 
hardware cursor layer in the drm platform, so if it does not exist it 
won't work. Whether that's the case is something which can only be 
tested with the hardware (e.g. adding a break point and seeing where 
KWin goes). If that's the case we can easily fix it by using the sofware 
rendered cursor. IIRC that is only available in 5.11, though.

Another possibility is that there is no mouse cursor theme configured. 
I'm not sure how much magic happens in startkde which is not executed on 
Plasma mobile. That should be easy to test, just export XCURSOR_THEME to 
something sensible (e.g. breeze_cursors).


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