System Settings KCM Tidying

David Edmundson david at
Mon Oct 23 09:10:41 UTC 2017

Andres Betts has done a fantastic job of a tonne of doing an initial mockup
of the new KCMs.

The mockups are available here:

This is going to be a combination of UI redesign, code cleanup and QtQuick

We have a workboard to track them all redesigns/porting here:

If you want to work on a KCM, we should split into a new pholio review for
that KCM, discuss details, and add a link (edit related objects) in the
pholio to the task in the workboard. Llike here:

Please ignore the new sidebar for now.

It's a good opportunity for anyone to get involved, just assign the task to

I think most of these need a bit of back and forth before even starting
Possibly even working mockups.

I want to see things done properly per KCM so that they last the next 15
years; Any new KCM should have working i18n, a10y, RTL, keybaord nav and be
super super tested, before merging.

As 5.12 is LTS, lets not treat the workboard as a race, there is a branch
in plasma-desktop called KcmQmlPorts that is worth making use of.
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