KWin contextmenus usability and window/app specific palettes

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Sun Mar 19 17:21:12 UTC 2017

Am 2017-03-19 17:02, schrieb René J. V.  Bertin:
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
>> I need to explain the whole interaction:
>> 1. Applications can use KColorSchemeManager to set a color scheme.
>> 2. This gets installed as a dynamic property in the QGuiApplication
> This happens in KColorSchemeManager or at a lower level?

The dynamic property gets set by KColorSchemeManager.

>> 3. plasma-integration reads this dynamic property and installs an X
>> property on each created window
>> 4. KWin reads the property and creates a QPalette from it
>> 5. The palette gets stored for each window and is passed to the
>> decoration and to the useractions context menu
> Reading this on is tempted to think that as long as a style handles a 
> widget's
> QPalette correctly there should be no issue like what I'm seeing. And 
> QtCurve
> does handle palettes correctly for contextmenus, except in KWin5 when 
> it's not
> using the standard palette.
> It'll probably be easier to understand why the contextmenu isn't 
> updated
> correctly when the application changes its palette rather than via a 
> special
> rule.
>> The code in question is in useractions.cpp in multiple places, just
>> search for setPalette.
> Is>palette() how useractions.cpp accesses the dynamic 
> property
> mentioned under point 2)?

KWin is only involved starting in point 4. 1-3 are in the application.


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