QtCurve window theme

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 11:21:07 UTC 2017


I've started to use KWin5 on my FranKDEn 4+5 desktop, running it on KUbuntu 14.04 from the parallel prefix where I install my home-built Qt5 and KF5 software. This works pretty (surprisingly?) good with the current v5.9.3 and at least feels faster than KWin4.

It also makes porting QtCurve's window theme a bit higher priority for me as I really like how I configured it (I have a screenshot but no evident place to upload it).

I currently use a slightly modified Breeze window theme that works acceptably with my QtCurve theme but it's not a long-term subsitute in part because it doesn't render text with the Freetype+Infinality quality I have elsewhere. I might be able to create an Aurorae theme with the desired design and looks, but that apparently obliges me to use normal instead of tiny window borders in order to get proper titlebar alignment.

Martin has already indicated in the past that he'd be willing to provide guidance in the porting process. I'm completely new to this domain myself and not even familiar with the current QtCurve window theme implementation so I'll probably need a bit more than guidance. Sadly the original author appears to be MIA. Would anyone be willing to have a good look at the current code? I'm ready to dive in but maybe not so much if for example it means rewriting everything from scratch, no matter how useful that might be.

Code is here:

FWIW: the theme works fine for MDI windows, whatever that implies.

Thanks, also on behalf of Yichao,


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