D5428: Add option to disable hover effects.

Eike Hein noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Apr 13 16:57:17 UTC 2017

hein added a comment.

  > If it's most likely to be decided only on the distribution level, we don't necessarily need a GUI for switching it, do we? We could also just have it as an unexposed parameter in the config file.
  Yes, although options being hidden tends to excercabate maintenance issues.
  > In the end, however, I'd say that having mouse-over effects was a design decision in Breeze just like other aspect of it, so I don't see why users should revert that decision.
  Well, Breeze also made design decisions to offer various other options.
  The reason to have options in a style engine vs. having another style engine with a different set of design decisions usually comes down to the fact that a style engine is a huge C++ codebase that's a lot of effort to create, and while the style engine system does support inheritance to some degree, the support for inheritance doesn't easily extend to overridding behaviors such as this. That's why the realistic options are an option in Breeze or a fork that's likely to get outdated.
  This is also why there's engines like the highly configurable QtCurve (and a big aftermarket of 500+ QtCurve themes/config on the KDE Store), instead of 500 different style engines.

  R31 Breeze


To: hein, mart, hpereiradacosta
Cc: colomar, plasma-devel, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol
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