D5301: Introduce support for keyboard layout switching policies

Eike Hein noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Apr 4 20:25:11 UTC 2017

hein added a comment.

  Let me be clear I realize layout stuff needs to be done anyway, and I'm not criticizing the submission or want to kill your momentum. My intention was just to speak up on what our eventual goals for text input on Plasma need to be (move beyond layouts into input languages, manage a IME daemon, improve support for things like emoji input and typing-booster, etc.). That may not actually read on the patch, I just thought it might me helpful to keep in mind while putting infra for things like "change something about text input when switching virtual desktops" into place. Like I said, that's a very very high-level review.
  (I'll add that on X11 the keyboard layout stuff is hairy - normally you have kwin/xkb doing things, but when you use ibus, it takes over keyboard layout management and you have to set xkb options through ibus (which means users who need ibus for an IME can't use any of the Plasma settings UI). Hopefully we can make that better in the Wayland world somehow.)

  R108 KWin


To: graesslin, #kwin, #plasma
Cc: hein, plasma-devel, kwin, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol
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