Plasma desktop/mobile initial setup

Alessandro Longo alexl at
Fri Sep 23 16:35:38 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Il 15-09-2016 09:20 Ivan Čukić ha scritto:
> The fact that people are used to a certain kind of UI is not the
> reason for you not to invent something new and better.

+1. Having a first-start tutorial for Plasma would let us improve a bit 
the defaults (Plasma is still suggested as better DE for old Windows 
versions users, Windows evolves and we still look like Windows 7). Just 
few steps, like "here there are the applications", "these are hot corner 
effects", "you can search with Alt+Space"...

Another matter in my opinion is the wizard: it should be an icon placed 
by default on desktop that say "First setup" or something like it. When 
the user will be ready to try it, the wizard will suggest to setup 
online accounts like email with Kontact, choose a Look & Feel package 
and setup KDE Connect.
It could eventually suggest to install some additional apps like VLC.
When it will be possible to sync Plasma settings with something like 
Nextcloud or local backups, for sure it should be proposed to the user 
to import his settings.


Alessandro Longo

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