page-title frame drawing

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Mon May 30 21:56:26 UTC 2016


Splitting this off from the "plasma-desktop on other environments" thread.

What can you tell me about the "draw frame around page titles" option, more 
precisely when this frame is drawn?

I'm seeing this kind of frame when I use the native OS X widget style, but as 
far as I know it doesn't correspond to anything in Apple's HIG and I don't know 
of anything comparable in native apps on OS X <= 10.9 . Not that they don't look 
good or even wrong (to my eyes). I just note they appear (and cannot be 
deactivated) with the Macintosh, (legacy) Windows and Fusion styles, they're 
optional with Breeze, and they're not supported by Oxygen and QtCurve.
I think that what tickles me most is that the feature can only be on with the 
native Mac theme (and the other Qt themes) while it appears to be purely a Qt 


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