plasma-desktop on other environments (bis)

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Sat May 28 13:10:15 UTC 2016


> I guess there must be a generic Qt beep that one can tap into to replace beep, 


> Given that distinction I would find it confusing to use the same sound for both empty actions.

I rather find this distinction awkward and would expect emptying the trash empty the whole trash, or not offering that from a KDE application in the first place (we don't do that except for Dolphin, and perhaps the file open dialog, do we?).

> for message box events on OS X. It really really really really *really*
> shouldn't
> use the Oxygen sounds by default.

> I honestly don't know. Sounds used for notifications that have a native 
> counterpart could use the native default sound by default (or the one configured 
> if it's feasible to obtain that information).

Doesn't at least QPlatformMessageDialog use the native OS X message popup thingie?

> But what about notifications that are specific to KDE and that use specific notification sounds?

Such as? Most notifications fall into the category of "error", "warning", "question", "info", and I bet OS X has counterparts for those sounds. Passive notification popups (I think KNotification has a backend for those on OSX) are silent anyway? An instant messaging app or email might use its own sounds for notifying, though.

> Even more so than with look and feel that will be beneficial for cross-platform users. After all alert sound specificity is supposed to aid in determining what's going on and how to react.

If I hear the generic Windows drum sound I know that an error happened. If I hear the Oxgen sound on Windows I might not do that.

While I am one of those negligible "I use Kate and Dolphin on Windows because Notepad and Explorer suck" users, I still want native integration and not a "familiar KDE interface". I bet the average one-platform user group we imho should be targeting does the same.

Kai Uwe

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