plasma review

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Fri May 20 09:50:54 UTC 2016


> 1. right click on the desktop show activities also when there is only one activity, please make it visible when the user use activities and had there more than one activity

As already mentioned in the bug report you filed, the ui is also for adding new activities so we can't just hide it because there's only one (unless sysadmin restrictions prevent them from adding)

> 2. give the user more posibilities for the right click some don't need leave but need shutdown

You can already configure what happens when you click on Leave in system settings startup and shutdown, ie shutdown without confirmation or whatever.

> 5. [...] Would it be better to move the panels to the widget explorer, than there are two entries for default panel and empty panel and via ghns you can add more

I like that idea, adding panels is much less frequently used that adding widgets, so IMHO doesn't deserve an in-your-face button.

> 7. the layout section should be nr. 1 than wallpaper, mouse actions

I change my wallpaper way more often than the desktop layout. 

> 8. layout can have layout: desktop, show the desktop toolbox, press and hold wigets AND Show Information tooltip (which is in a kcm now)

The options for toolbox and what not are added by the containment, not plasma but I agree that the current settings categorization there is a bit awkward.

> 9. add look and feel, screen edges and desktop effects (kcm's) to the desktop settings dialog cause they are desktop settings.

Please don't add random settings there that aren't frequently used. Also you can't add widgets dialogs there.

> desktop grid larger

I find it too large already...

Kai Uwe 

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