Is it possible to know when a PlasmaCore IconItem is ready?

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Jul 28 11:22:44 UTC 2016

On donderdag 28 juli 2016 14:03:24 CEST Michail Vourlakos wrote:
> is it possible to know when a PlasmaCore IconItem in QML is ready?
> I am trying to use the grabToImage for that element and the only way
> to achieve this until now, is after Component.OnCompleted to use a
> timer element.
> I use a shadereffect to drop a shadow under various IconItems and
> after that I animate them on hovering. By buffering them into Images
> and animating these Images instead of the IconItems the interface
> improves its respovinesss almost to double or even more.
> So is there a way to drop the Timer for these IconItems by creating
> the needed buffers when the IconItem is ready? With Images this can be
> done with onStatusChanged: if (status==Image.Ready)

Could you post some code illustrating what you're trying to do? This makes it 
a bit easier to understand and more concrete to propose a solution. (Not that 
I know one, off-hand.)

sebas |

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