Is it possible to know when a PlasmaCore IconItem is ready?

Michail Vourlakos mvourlakos at
Thu Jul 28 11:03:24 UTC 2016


is it possible to know when a PlasmaCore IconItem in QML is ready?
I am trying to use the grabToImage for that element and the only way
to achieve this until now, is after Component.OnCompleted to use a
timer element.

I use a shadereffect to drop a shadow under various IconItems and
after that I animate them on hovering. By buffering them into Images
and animating these Images instead of the IconItems the interface
improves its respovinesss almost to double or even more.

So is there a way to drop the Timer for these IconItems by creating
the needed buffers when the IconItem is ready? With Images this can be
done with onStatusChanged: if (status==Image.Ready)

thanks  a lot,

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