notes from the Plasma mobile components breakout session

David Edmundson david at
Wed Jan 27 12:54:56 UTC 2016


who sets requestingRefresh to false again? the app when it finishes
If so the property is more "refreshing" than "requestingRefresh"

API docs mising

Binding{} is better than 2 Connections to implement what effectively is a
(and you have a bug here I'm sure, root.flickableItem.bottomMargin is set
to different things depending on whether the view or the content changed



Given it doesn't contain a label AbstractListItem or BaseListItem would be
a better name

A subclass which then has the icon + text would be a good idea.

Docs for delegate for a section talks about showing a title. It doesn't.

Typo: otems -> items

    height: paddingItem.childrenRect.height + Units.smallSpacing*2
is automatically bound to implicitHeight. No point rebinding it to the same
thing manually

What's the purpose of the checked state that only changes the UI layer?
Do we want to make it checkable like a button?

Need to change the UI if we're enabled or not (grey out or something)



docs for actions looks like you copied and pasted it from Page.

Rather than doing JS searching for QAction and QQC Action look into
qmlRegisterExtendedType for QAction to make the properties match lower in
the stack



I don't really want this in here *and* in Plasma extras long term

and the doc formatting is randomly different.

 - accessibility needs doing
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