Selecting a Plasma logo

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Fri Dec 9 00:52:53 UTC 2016

On Wednesday, December 7, 2016 1:58:34 PM UTC Jens Reuterberg wrote:
> About half a year ago this thread started and so far no actual change has
> happened.

That's embarrasing. :-( 

Thanks for bringing this topic up, though.

> The background is that the past logo for Plasma Desktop was disagreed upon
> by the Plasma developer team and they wanted a new one. Thomas created a
> competition of sorts which had a lot of suggestions in it.
> Currently, no final decision has been made on this which leaves us with
> three options:
> 1) VDG decides.
> 2) The developers decide
> 3) We use the KDE logo
> Now
> #1 means that we with a high level of chance will go to the Plasma logo we
> had before this started. 

I'd welcome this, it's a very pragmatical decision to pick the strongest 
contender when no other has shown to be significantly better. Also it's safe 
(the current logo is proven to work technically, and it's the least costly 
option for us to use, as it's already available in most forms, just not 
consistently applied.

Also, you guys are most affected by the lack of a clear logo / branding 
guideline in your daily work, and I think we've wasted enough of our 
collective time on this.

Personally, I have grown to really like the logo and to me it bears meaning 
(and flexibility for interpretation). Especially the representation of shell is 
something that strokes me in just the right way by appealing to the geek in 

> There is zero criticism against it that has been
> valid except that the developers who didn't like it in the first place
> didn't like it. Which is relevant of course.

To a degree, yes. But not in a blocking role, only to propose alternatives.

> #2 means this thread needs a choice. This WILL NOT continue in any
> structured form where people are egged on to make "suggestions" and then a
> round table debate. It has taken work time from VDG contributors, caused
> meaningless arguments and bikeshedding and has been the kind of work we can
> all see will never end. I honestly regret not having the courage to say
> "No" when it was first debated.
> (if some designer wants to work with the Plasma Developers on this, go for
> it, no one will stop you of course. But the VDG will not supply designers
> to this task formally or make any further efforts which has been so far a
> half a year of throwing manhours into a pit)

That's entirely understandable. The VDG is much more affected by the lack of a 
clear branding guideline than the people who write the code. You are right to 
complain and to ask to not have your time wasted.

> #3 Means that we take the work on seperating KDE the community from Plasma
> the desktop and pretend it didn't happen. Which sounds dramatic but its
> essentially leaving it as a status quo.

For all the obvious reasons, no, let's not destroy this effort. The branding 
serves a clear purpose and solves real problems.

> [...] Unless something is posted here my assumption is that the design 
> decision is up to the KDE Design Group/VDG and we will choose, reply and 
> move on with this and our lives.

Yes, let's please do that.

Sebastian Kügler    •    http://vizZzion.org

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