Plasma look and feel switching

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Aug 10 17:59:04 UTC 2016

Hi all,
as i've came pretty much on a stale mate at the development of a particular 
feature, I'll try to describe it as better as i can, so maybe I can get some 
fresh ideas.
branch, mart/separateLookAndFeelLayout

the behavior is:
* look and feel packages bring a layout.js javascript file with them
* right now it's used only if the lnf package is set in kdeglobals before the 
first time plasmashell starts
* with the new branch, the whole plasma shell will get unloaded, and reloaded 
with the new layout.js from the new selected lnf package
* plasmashell has a different config file per lnf package
* when switching from one to another, by default it would use the config file 
saved previously, if present, in order to minimize data loss (otherwise 
switching lnf becomes a very destructive operation)
* but still need an option to reset to the default layout: when switching, the 
kcm could just delete the config file before switching lnf, but to reset the 
current lnf a different way could be needed
* at the moment i have a reloadDefaultLayout() method exposed to dbus: i hate 
it as exposing a dbus method that destroys the current setup doesn't look good 
at all (again to be the least desrtuctive possible)
* a function to dump the current layout in javascript is provided by 
plasmashell, so a separate utility can create a new lnf layout from the 
current setup: makes easier creation by users to publish on kdelook.

did i explain it clearly?

as you can see on (and the very long 
discussion on it) it's still something that needs work, and there is still not 
really much agreement on it.

I really need it in for 5.8 (as look and feel packages would be a prominent 
content of the new ocs server), but time is getting close, and i'm not sure 
about it at all, in a word.. i need help :(

Marco Martin

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