Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Aug 1 12:14:26 UTC 2016

Minutes Plasma 'hangout', 1-8-2016, 12:00 CET

Present: mgraesslin, bshah, Sho, sebas, notmart, Riddell, andreas_k, romangg

- mobile images
- Mobile image update
- Did new image with kactivitymanagerd preinstalled on mobile
- Disabled qtvirtualkeyboard on that iamge due to various issues
 - One can type only in caps
 - It crashes plasmashell on focusing searchbar

- Addressed Qt Quick Flow vs. broken hover event handling edge cause sometimes 
causing faux-active task buttons
- Fixed spinning busy indicator sometimes not disappearing from task buttons
- Merged the hein/screenGeometryFilter branch to master (screen filtering by 
geo rather than number + Wayland support)
- Fixed plasmoid.contextualActionsAboutToShow not firing for panel popup 
context menus (made FV context menu operate on wrong URL when drilled down 
into a subfolder)
- Updated my Qt window enter/hover event handling patch for Qt 5.7 and fixed 
test failure, addresses some FV & co mouse woes -> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/146786/ / https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/166455/
- Code review for a bunch of FV patches by a new contributor
- Currently investigating why our panel dialogs don't set their  transient 
parent correctly, leading to issues with auto-hide panels that don't set 
struts (looks like Qt)
- Received and played with odroid, but need a screen, will buy https://

- discussion about LTS
- release schedule adjustment proposal

* plasma multiscreen branch refactor merged, feedbacks seem good so far
* work on look and feel creator application
* work on fixing desktop scripting issues on startup, working with some 
distributions. New convention: layout.js never does "createActivity()" but 
just reuses whatever is here
* work on the separate look and feel branch: correctly unloads and reloads 
layouts with the "new" scripting convention
* new ways for distros to customize their setup coming up
* kirigami: last round of bugfixes before 1.0, is now in kde-review, in 2 
weeks can be moved to extragear and released, 1 week to go

- work on ksmserver's logout dialog as a standalone process

- says hi
- working on modesetting in kwin wayland
- have a proof of concept working
- this topic: https://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2015/08/layered-compositing/

- should we move back to the line as focus indicator in the taskmanager? (yes)
- bit of discussion about logout dialog design
- will talk to David / Kai Uwe about user switcher
- plasma logo

- logging for kscreen (all processes into one logfile)
- output identification in UI https://phabricator.kde.org/D2248
- logfile logging for kscreen: https://phabricator.kde.org/D2295
- cat logging for kcm: https://phabricator.kde.org/D2294
- improved autotests for windowmetadata qtquick stuff
- docking bugs on the list now
- will give feedback on release schedule proposal by Antonio Larrosa


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