Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Apr 25 11:10:04 UTC 2016

Minutes Plasma 'hangout', 26-4-2016, 12:00 CET

Present: Sho, mgraesslin, bshah, notmart, kbroulik, Roman (subdiff) (just 
listening), sebas


- Added Bugzilla product for plasma-integration, default assignee is 
- Next Plasma Test Days prep meeting tomorrow 12:00 UTC in #plasma
- Unbroke DND (icon drags, file drops) on locked Folder View containments 
(breaking change slipped by me because someone changed a review after Ship It 
- Implemented IsVirtualDesktopChangable (analogous to 
NET::ActionChangeDesktop) in kwayland & kwin_wayland
- URL dropping on applets adds a launcher again
- Cleaned up locale
-aware sort
- Worked on bringing back manual sorting, almost done
- Virtual desktop switch no longer does full reset
- Brainstormed with Martin about how to make virtual desktops stuff in the 
Task Manager work on wayland
- Martin doesn't want an X11-style API/protocol to avoid exposing virtual 
desktop info to the outside world again, keep it a kwin impl detail
- libtaskmanager business logic (e.g. "switch to relevant desktop before 
initiating move") would be hardcoded in kwin instead
- Conflicts with the libtaskmanager
-ng goal of minimal windowing system
-specific code by creating two codepaths for X11 (in libtm) and Wayland (kwin) 
that would need to be kept in sync manually
- Proposed using the Wayland protocol for libtm<
->kwin even on X instead, hitting only kwin's codepath
- Possible, but issues with not
-kwin WM support
- would need forwarding Wayland
-X11 translation server for awesomewm et all users
- Still going to have protocol for desktop list with names; switching to 
QByteArray id's on Wayland for future
-proofness, abstracting in frontend
- libtaskmanager needs to be regression
-free on X11 for merge first, so going to focus on missing bits unrelated to 
windowing system interaction for now

* kwin_wayland integrates with logind session based on XDG_SESSION_ID, 
allowing to start KWin on different tty or through ssh
* work on xdg_shell unstable version 5 in KWayland and KWin (task https://
todo.kde.org/?controller=task&action=show&task_id=1612 ), branches graesslin/
* experiment to start Wayland server in kwin_x11 (task https://todo.kde.org/?
controller=task&action=show&task_id=40 )
* more code sharing
* allows to easily test Wayland apps on X11 session
* allows to get rid of Qt's xcb plugin in KWin
* some early reviews:
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/D1481
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/D1482
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/D1483
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/D1486
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/D1487
* seriously annoyed by CI starting to fail everything due to ASAN errors 
inside Qt

- Got input working on new mobile stack : http://imgur.com/UmugAdh
- Working on providing easily installable images
- Investigating why apt-get can't connect to internet

* positive/neutral/negative plasma colors
* attempt at coloring icons in qwidgets
* widget explorer, same layout as activity manager
* widget explorer, fix keyboard navigation
* kirigami: use both handle icons for SwipableView (those that have action 
icons under the list item)
* support for 3 action buttons at the bottom of the screen: comes with a new 
* support for custom ApplicationHeader
* support for custom background for list items (abstract,basic and swipe)
* list items export pressed and contains mouse properties
* more work on the PageRow refactor
* this week, today or tomorrow will merge the refactor of PageRow

- I walked through p-f, p-d, p-w removing foreach by range for where easily 
possible, fixing anti-patterns like iterating over foo.keys(), reducing calls 
to QX11Info stuff etc; patches will come up in the coming days
- I want to resurrect the preview stuff Milou had, so when you found a text 
file it shows a preview where you can copy stuff from, likewise for images, 
for other files you get basic metadata, for folders you could browse them in a 
second column in KRunner etc; VDG is super busy so they can't make me a pretty 
mockup :(

- working on windowmetadata
    - two libraries (server and client)
    - data exposed as QList<QObject*>, not a "proper model"
    - some dbus communication working, but not the data part itself
    - extensive autotests
    - code is in scratch/sebas/windowmetadata.git
    - how to map windows and our entries?
- organisation of store sprint (info email to come up later today)
- will switch to kwin_wayland this week

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