Plasma Mobile Development meeting notes

Bhushan Shah bhush94 at
Fri Apr 8 12:56:22 UTC 2016

Hello there,

Here is log for Plasma Mobile Future development meeting on 8th April 2016.

Updated Kanban board is at:
Kirigami kanban (i feel
having it as a separate project would make people ignore it even more)


    * We've base packages and stuffs working on top of Ubuntu touch stack
    * Ubuntu Touch's release rythm isn't too helpful for us, we need a
newer stack, e.g. Qt 5.6 / Upstream updated libhybris
    * bshah is working on a simpler imaging technology, based on CM,
plan is to run an Ubuntu/Neon container on a CyanogenMod base
    * Currently base starts, kwin startup is being worked on
    * It would be nice to have people working on essential features
while base stack evolves

Rough plan for the base system:

- Get new bootstrap working
- move to Qt 5.6
- get KWin to work
- test the crap out of it and stabilize the base
- create stable channel
- add more features

* We want to move the phone-specific repos to the Plasma 5.7 release
   - specific sub tasks pending, though code should be in pretty good
shape for this
* Email: Thomas and Jens are working with the Kube developers, they're
also targeting mobile UIs and are using Kirigami
   - follow progress, package for Plasma Mobile as soon as it makes sense
* Convergence: We'd like to start and promote using what we've
implemented in the lower parts of the stack
   - Plasma shell: first step is to make tent mode working on laptops
support it (planned for 5.7)
   - Kirigami should support convergence in apps
   -  Discover, Kube and Peruse as prime examples
   - older / legacy apps: no plans currently
* Kirigami: a lot of work to make it easy to deploy on android, such
as cmake macros to deploy icons from breeze
* We want support from community to get Plasma mobile working on their devices
* Currently it supports Nexus 5 and One plus one, we would love to get
more devices working


Bhushan Shah
IRC Nick : bshah on Freenode

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