Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Sep 28 10:44:41 UTC 2015

Present: David, Marco, Martin G., Ovidiu, sebas
Date: 28 September, 2015

- investigating crash in printer-manager
- bug-triaged of systemsettings
- talked to Limux people about a sprint

- worked on widget explorer (adding screenshots)
- config dialogs in Plasma Mobile for widgets
- okular-based reader is now more performant
- wanted to work on components for mobile, but needs some de-confusion
in mobile HIG (will talk to Thomas and Jens)
- will go back to Wayland work

- was on vacation
- will go to Qt World Summit next week
- discussing with Unity devs changes in statusnotifier protocol
- someone is interested in adding VNC support to kwin
- We now have API docs for KWayland 

- progress on pootle for KDE (web-based stuff for translations)
- updated Romanian KDE translations guide,
- working on KDE Romania website (will be at ro.kde.org)

- worked on splitting the owncloud client so it can be used as lib by
third parties: basics build, fixing stuff and upstreaming / merging
changes planned next
- will resume work on Wayland screen management protocol this week,
protocol is mostly done, implementation needs a few changes, then more
review and fixes


Sebastian Kügler  |  http://vizZzion.org  |  http://kde.org

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