minutes monday plasma hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Sep 14 13:33:12 UTC 2015

Present: Bhushan, David, Kai Uwe, Marco, Martin G., Ozark, Ovidiu, sebas

Date: 14 September, 2015

- worked on packaging telepathy bits for Plasma aarch
- it have pkgbuilds but just needs creating packages in order
- https://notes.kde.org/p/plasma-bugs collects

- https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125187/ requests to only depend on a 
released framework in Plasma -- idea is generally not popular with Plasma devs

Kai Uwe:
- Super pretty new Color picker plasmoid for Plasma 5 has been merged
- Shortcut configuration in System Tray like we had in 4 is also back
- want to merge https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125118/
- will also have to talk to Eike so we can use the KIO drop job thing also for 

- wayland stuff: protocol for OSD
- wayland sliding popups to be reviewed
- will discuss with Martin later
- made gcompris and marble work on Plasma Mobile
- minor fixes in mobile widget explorer and taskswitcher
- HIG discussions (will be added to HIG by Thomas)

- baloo kcm patch pending review by Vishesh
- worked on Android cmake module with Aleix

- kwayland: API docs for kwayland (api.kde.org doesn't pick it up yet -- wip)
- Docs for kde/workspace need sorting (David will help)
- kwayland changes for tooltips and menues are merged
- work in kwin on tooltip and menues next (more complicated)
- sidebar designs ( http://user-prompt.com/look-and-feel-of-plasma-sidebars/ ) 
: interaction changes are a no-go (breaks important user interaction), visual 
changes may be OK, depending

- nothing new

- screen config: wayland portions to be reviewed
- libkscreen portions work in progress (most "read autotests are OK", write 
will be next)
- kwin/drm portions to be done


Sebastian Kügler    |    http://vizZzion.org    |     http://kde.org

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