Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Oct 19 10:39:09 UTC 2015

Present: sebas, bhushan, david, jens, jonathan, kai uwe, marco, martin g

Date: 21 Oct, 2015

-  I will open review request for lockscreen on mobile today
- My issues with the "password always accepted" seems to be fixed auto 
- I also did some mobile IMG testing and release work for it

- fixed a stupid screenlocker bug
- sped up ksplash
- plasma wallpaper now handles exiv rotation

- talked with GNOMEs about global menu
- talked with Uri about Plasma theme

- What font to use for Monospace (Noto, our new default doesn't have monospace 
versions) -- Jens will sort out and get back to Jonathan
- switching default font to Noto: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125699/
- sorting out modules to release with 5.5, see plasma list; summary:
    - oxygen-icons -> oxygen-icons-plasma
    - breeze -> breeze + breeze-icons
    - plasma-sdk moved to kde/workspace
    - breeze-gtk d_ed todo
    - muon to split, muon muon to go in extragear/unmaintained
    - no phone stuff yet
- where should breeze-gtk go? Will email frameworks list about it

Kai Uwe:
- https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/124980/ QML model for user sessions, to be 
used in the user switcher and lock screen eventually
and in this little plasmoid https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125678/
- research into cross-desktop global menu support (who uses which mechanism?)

- continued working on mobile components for our HIG ( https://
phabricator.kde.org/D409 )
- asked sysadmin to send phab's review emails to plasma list (was too 
- fixed a couple of things in window switcher, widget dialog, applet config
- did some bug triaging, wants more bugfix sessions on wednesdays
- starting to fix stylesheets theme for Plasma 5.5 theme (plasma-
- Fix for IconItem with system theme ( https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/
125657/ )

- worked on hwcomposer:
    - mostly succeeded switching to new libhybris, very important for plasma 
mobile (flickering panel is not flickering), already in devel-proposed
    - enabled vsync (works, but unfortunately still tears from time to time 
(unsure why?, kwin and wayland should prevent tearing effectively)
- worked on moving windows: we can almost change window size and position; 
very hard to get right though

- was under water the past week
- addressing comments on mgraesslin's review of the screen management protocol 
for wayland


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