Fwd: Custom shell and corona

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 16:24:57 UTC 2015

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Olivier Churlaud <olivier at churlaud.com> wrote:
> Just for your information, applets in amarok were all inheriting from
> Plasma::Applet. Now it's a pure functional class (no view in it) and I think
> that if we want to let people create 3rd party applets that they can easily
> install from KDE-apps, we should stay in full QML-plasmoids for our applets.
> Is it compatible with the Plasma::Applet use?

you can do a subclass, installed as a plugin by amarok, then all
amarok applets would have to indicate X-KDE-Library=amarok_applet or
something like that in their desktop file, so they would all load the
same C++ applet subclass in place of the plain Applet, that one would
access the singleton

>> The problem there is that QML stuff can't be directly used in QWidget
>> based applications because they are two different kinds of windows,
>> you can embed them with
>> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwidget.html#createWindowContainer
>> (not a problem of plasma, it's an issue in the use of QML in general)
> I'm already using this function, but what I was pointing out is that the QML
> view is a QQuickWindow and coul be a simple Item or something like this, to
> be easily added in a simple widget.

there is QQuickWidget that can be used to add qml views in widgets:
however is even more buggy than embedding a qquickWindow like that (it
has some bad architectural problems that are probably not solvable in
Qt5 lifetime), so you would end up using a qquickwindow anyways in the

> Ok: if I can help, please tell me, I can use your branch or create a new one
> from this one.

I want now to try to add in my branch the possibility to set custom
data dirs, so you would install all your stuff in share/amarok instead
of share/plasma (then, whether have the shell private of amarok or of
a generic "applications specific" can't really decide yet)

Marco Martin

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