Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Nov 16 12:13:05 UTC 2015

Present: bshah, Sho, jensreu, kbroulik, notmart, mgraesslin, ozark, Sho, 
sebas, andreas_k, Riddell

Date: 16 Nov, 2015

Maintainer Juggling:
- Eike now maintains Kickoff
- Andreas now maintains Oxygen icons
- Bhushan now maintains Plasma mobile images

- pushed screenlocker split to make it wayland-ready

- mockups for plasma theme manager
- templates for theme creation

- broke changing system tray icon visibility in 5.4.3 by committing there 
although the fix only worked in and was meant for 5.5 
- https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126061/ ← Popup menu above parent if it 
would exceed screen boundaries
- working on drag area in icon widget, https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/
- https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/124585/  pretty user switcher
- Want to make clicking .ovpn files set openvpn up automatigally
- We may want to do a 5.4.4, -> let's discuss on mailing list

- worked on simple version of Plasma components according to HIG
- Trying to simplify Plasma theme creation, working with Jens
- bugfixing

- got Plasma phone to switch off, will be on RB shortly
- need to talk with kbroulik about brightness
- .desktop file support in netwm being discussed
- debugging opengl-es-related breakage
- debugging a crasher on kwin teardown
- XWayland and XRandR don't play nicely: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/
- windecoration on xwayland being sorted out
- XWayland 1.18 needed more and more for Plasma Phone
- Should we disable drkonqi by default? (See mailing list)

- When can we get a new Plasma Mobile image, based on Qt 5.5? (blocked by Qt 

- Kickoff/Kicker is now merged, some wrinkles being worked out
- favorite migration not entirely figured out
- working on regressions due to above merge
- libtaskmanager needs a wayland backend, architecture being figured out at 
the moment

- bugfixes are now managed through bugs.kde.org: http://bit.ly/1HOLsfC
- wallpaper context is over, new wallpapers are in plasma-workspace-wallpapers
- new maintainer of Oxygen icons
- will work on redesign of lockscreen
- VDG currently has no good way of testing the current work

- beta due on Thursday
- announcment needs some work: https://notes.kde.org/p/plasma_5_5

- working on libkscreen wayland backend
- related: in-process operation in libkscreen, makes it easier to debug, 
faster ( http://vizzzion.org/blog/2015/11/wayland-and-libkscreen-benchmarks/ )


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