Splitting (Muon) Discover from muon repository

Harald Sitter sitter at kde.org
Wed Aug 5 11:45:39 UTC 2015

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 01:05:54PM +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
>> If the branching is today, we're probably too late already. On the
>> other hand waiting for the stable branches will mean that some
>> projects will disappear at some point on the stable releases (or we'll
>> have to wait until right before Plasma 5.5).
>> If you think it's worth it, I can work on it today.
> I'm a bit confused by this.  Branching is tomorrow, I think my
> preferred way would be to include muon all together in Plasma 5.4 and
> you can do the splitting after branching tomorrow.  If you prefer not
> to have Muon Package Manager released with 5.4 would can do the repo
> splitting today si estas rapido.

Splitting after branching is going to cause confusion and cause a mess
like we had with baloo when it was in kdelibs and at the same time in
workspace. This causes unnecessary headache for everyone involved. In
particular translators I suppose.

So, splitting needs to happen between the last stable release of a
plasma and the first pre-release of the next plasma. i.e. right now,
or wait until before 5.5. Whether or not splitting now is a good idea
depends on how well it is prepared. Ideally of course we'd want
nothing to break ;)

We can still branch and release muon packagemanager after the split.
although TBH I'd not even release it as part of the plasma release
bundle but just have it have a standalone release 5.4.0 and then get
moved to unmaintained on projects.kde.org. There is nothing to be
gained from promoting it as part of Plasma longer than absolutely


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