The usage statistics [kactivities, baloo, ktp, plasma]

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Wed Oct 22 10:00:24 UTC 2014

> The reason I'm prodding so much is I'm scared of activities
> becoming [...]

As before, everything that I'm working on related to activities supports
the one-activity-only workflow. I do not have the habit of forcing things
onto the user. (even the statistics thing can be disabled - globally, or

Now, another problem here is that the activity manager is not only about
'activities-as-a-big-session-project-thingie' - but the user actions inside

For the statistics thing, the purpose of the
'activities-as-a-big-session-project-thingie' is to separate stats for
different activities. If you work in a single activity, you have all the
statistics as 'global'.

For me, it is rather useful to have them separate - so that when I'm
working on, for example, openGL course I teach, I don't get kactivities
files as the most popular and most used - to get only the openGL course
popular files and similar.

It is also quite nice for tracking what time I spent on different things.

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