The usage statistics [kactivities, baloo, ktp, plasma]

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Tue Oct 21 17:00:02 UTC 2014

> > Recently used applications across the entire system.
> Potential Use case: I can only see this being used in KRunner when
> searching for applications.

And Kickoff etc. (not only when searching apps)

> > Recently installed applications.
> Potential Use Case: Displaying it in Muon?

This one was requested by Eike.

> > Recently used documents across the entire system.
> We already have KRecentDocuments which stores .desktop files in
> ~/.local/share/RecentDocuments. It's integrated in our file dialog as well.
> Though I do actually doubt the usefulness of this list. How do want to
> improve this?

Again, Kickoff (and others) like to show a list of recent documents.

One of the reasons I started working on usage tracking and scoring is
because of the 'usefulness' of KRecentDocuments.  I always found it
irrelevant because it usually shows at most one useful item. If it took
into the account the scores, it would become much more useful than it is
now (IMO).

> > Most frequently used (high usage score) documents across the entire
> system.
> I'm not too sure where this would be used.

See above.

> Recently used documents by $application.
> Definitely useful. Each application currently stores this in their config
> file. What were you planning on adding?
> > Most used (high usage score) documents by $application.
> I'm not too sure if anyone but the $application would use this list.
> Perhaps it's application's decision if they want such a feature and they
> can probably implement it quite easily. For example - I'm not too sure
> about a videos applications wanting the most recently viewed videos.

The point is to have a generic thing that supports different variations on
the same tune. That is, a few different things need to know what was opened
and when, and then you get a lot of side things that could benefit from it
as well.

In this case, yes, every application does implement its recent documents
mechanism and could implement the high scored ones etc. But, in that
case,the workspace would have no idea about any of those - the tasks applet
(or the launchers) would not be able to show the documents for applications

(p.s. One of the things I forgot to write before - the same mechanism could
be used as a base for replacing the xsession protocol which I guess will go
away along with the X11)

> > Metadata for the recently/most used documents, so they can e.g. be
> grouped by type.
> * I'm not too sure what you mean. We already have a recently used
> documents list, and this can be grouped based on type
> * Where would this be used?

This one was also requested by Eike.

>From my POV, one use-case would be applications that open different things
like KDevelop having sessions and files. So a mimetype could be used to
filter out what exactly they want to show etc.

> > Application Launching Interface (ALI) search history.
> * You mean like the krunner search history that was there in KDE4?

For example.

KDE, ivan.cukic at,
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