The usage statistics [kactivities, baloo, ktp, plasma]

Eike Hein hein at
Tue Oct 14 09:57:54 UTC 2014

Thanks for starting this :)

Just to recap, here's the stuff I can see myself needing from
the Task Manager and Kicker side:

* Recently used applications across the entire system.
* Most frequently used applications across the entire system.
* Recently installed applications.
* Recently used documents across the entire system.
* Most frequently used documents across the entire system.
* Recently used documents by $application.
* Most used documents by $application.
* Metadata for the recently/most used documents.

So API-wise, that means:
* The ability to query for the above, where the query can
   have operands such as $application, where $application
   could be a KService::Ptr or a KService:menuId()
   for example.
* A good return format for the data that is easily usable
   and easy to bring into model form for QML.
* While I could probably work procedurally for my cases,
   for QML it would be very interesting if the API were to
   support live change notifications.
* Since both Kicker and the Task Managers are launchers
   themselves (including for documents, with DND onto
   launchers), also the API to create usage events, unless
   this is implemented in KRun or similar.
* Recently installed apps would need a new CREATED event
   in KAMD.

So in terms of how to proceed, I think one of us needs to
draw up draft APIs that we can iterate on, and then we need
to somehow turn all the implementation side into work items
between us (ideally on Kanboard or so).

But I'm getting ahead of myself :). Next up is David with
his list of use cases in KTP so we get a more complete pic-
ture of the requirements ...


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