Bughunting Season!

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Mon Mar 10 17:11:28 UTC 2014

On 09.03.2014 14:13, Luca Beltrame wrote:
> In data domenica 09 marzo 2014 14:00:25, Sebastian Kügler ha scritto:
>> We'll also open up for feedback from the community shortly, with the Alpha
>> release that will be tagged on Thursday (and likely be released the Tuesday
>> thereafter, stability permitting).
> Likewise, for those that weren't on IRC when I said it: my plan is to create a
> specific forum for Next testers, so that *before* bugs are filed, there's some
> weeding out of other issues.
>  From you (Plasma + Kwin) I will however need a list or something similar of
> information that should be provided when having issues (like Kwin requiring
> supportingInformation, for example). If it's too early for this, no problem:
> but as the release date comes near I think it will be important to ensure that
> we can properly handle users (and in turn, this may lead to better reports for
> you developers, or so I hope ;).

Great idea!
Maybe this would be a good opportunity to try out a new alpha/beta 
testing process?
Instead of asking people to directly open bugs, we might ask them to go 
to the forum, see whether a thread about a similar issue already exists 
and if not, create one. Then people in the forum could try to collect 
further information together with the testers and then our team opens 
bugs when they have enough information for a useful report.
I think this may lead to a much better "signal-to-noise ratio" than 
people flooding bugzilla directly.
What do you think?

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