KFontInst weird problem

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 08:24:20 UTC 2014

On Monday 30 June 2014, David Edmundson wrote:
> > or, they could also be replaced with way more generic icons
> That would work.
> The icons are prefixed with ox- which ecm_install_icons knows to put
> in an oxygen place; if we're moving to a breeze icon set we need to
> fix. Maybe we can just put them in the main icon set instead of inside
> app.

yeah, that seems easy to do

> Can you confirm what you mean by
> "i was curious why loading the font installer kcm breaks all the oxygen
> icons.."
> Even if we fix the font installer that still sounds like there's a
> major bug in KIconLoader that needs fixing?

yup, seems so

Marco Martin

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